Apologies for the brief absence, I had to catch up on work obligations. Sadly, work places do not recognize cats as family members and provide appropriate leave.
Castiel is doing really well. After a rough night in which he doggedly tore off his collar several times during the night, we eventually decided that he would be wearing a onesie overnight. This has happily allowed us all to sleep. We gave up on sleeping in the recovery room with him because he was so unhappy not being around his siblings and in the usual upstairs bedrooom. We carry him up the staircase — no more stairs for him until his stiches are out — and tuck him in with us. His siblings Clover and Aleksandr curl up on the bed also – Clover beside him and Aleksandr on the pillows. Clover has been giving him daily baths or at least bathing his uncovered spots anyway. We put easy ramps and steps around the bed and padded the whole area with extra pillows and blankets to make it easy for him to get down to his litter box. He has figured out the litter box and all seems well. Low boxes with a cut out front work well.
He has finished his anti-inflammatory medicine and we removed the Fentanyl patch yesterday, now he is on the Buprenex and Gabapentin. They seem to be controlling his pain. We’ve been feeding him lots of liquidy cat foods to help prevent constipation. Castiel just wants everything to be back to normal. He is walking around fairly well. We’re amazed he has figured things out so quickly. We’re still waiting on the pathology report. Fingers crossed we get clean margins. We will be looking into getting a radiation therapy consult probably at U.C. Davis as the only other place that does this that we know of is in Campbell, which is far enough away that we don’t really know where it is — somewhere past San Jose, I think. Castiel doesn’t do well in the car. He gets super scared. We don’t know if we will do radiation but we want to at least learn more about it. It’s horrendously expensive but if we need to do it, we’ll find a way.
Castiel and his siblings survived Halloween — all three hid under the bed together. They hate the doorbell and the children’s voices were all the horror they needed. We have scaredy cats. Although, Castiel enjoyed pumpkin carving. He loves watching me clean out the pumpkins and carve them, then he likes to sniff them and check them out. Facebook sent me a reminder of Castiel as a kitty checking out a pumpkin. Thank you everyone for your continued check-ins and comments, they are really helping us all through this process.

WHEW! Bet you kitties are glad the scary Helloween day is over. Glad you survived it. Do you guys get any benefit from the day, like maybe pumpkin treats or something? I hope so!
Well I’m just super impressed at how well Castiel is doing. I tell ya, controlling pain the right way from the beginning makes such a difference. If only more folks had such great vet care. That’s our goal though, to make sure they know that it’s out there, so blogs like yours really help us get the word out.
I agree that it pays to investigate your treatment options. Even if you opt out of radiation therapy, at least you can do that knowing you left no stone unturned. I hope you guys can get a consult pretty quickly!
Hi Jerry,
The cats hate Halloween…so scary! Our cats are very brave, if a doorbell rings on tv, they run for the hills. The list of fearful things is long — coffee grinder, toaster, blender, vacuum cleaner, hair dryer, etc. They all enjoy pumpkin carving though and have been known to eat the pumpkin goo.
Castiel did well on the prescribed medicines. I think they kept him out of pain or at least dulled the pain enough. Thankfully, he had no side effects. Although, we did give him extra tuna water and other watery cat foods and a pumpkin cat food to help alleviate any potential constipation issues from the pain relievers. Castiel is prone to constipation.
We had hopef to have the oncology consult earlier but it didn’t happen, hopefully this week. We’ll let you know what the oncologist suggests.
Michelle & Brian
So glad to see this update! Keeping our fingers and paws crossed for clean margins for Castiel.
Thank you Skippy’s mom — we’ll take all the crossed fingers we can get through this entire process.
Michelle & Brian
Such a cutie !🥰
Aw, thank you!
Michelle & Brian