Castiel had been cancer free for over two years and he was doing great and then Thursday we found a lump under his chin in his neck area. We brought him to his vet on Friday and she did a fine needle aspiration and X-rays. We got the results Monday – there were abnormal cells. I called SAGE Veterinary Hospital and made an appointment with his oncologist. They got us in today – Wednesday morning. The news is bad, bad, and bad. The oncologist thinks it is one of three things (1) a reoccurrence of the fibrosarcoma (2) a new cancer — possibly a thyroid carcinoma, or (3) a new cancer — possibly a soft tissue sarcoma. She thinks a fibrosarcoma is less likely because it doesn’t usually spread this way, but a new cancer, either a thyroid carcinoma or soft tissue sarcoma seem more likely, with a thyroid carcinoma being the best guess.
What we do know is that there is a 4x 4 cm mass on the ventral cervical subcutaneous tissue on the right side of the thyroid. It is firm and attached. The left thyroid is normal. The doctor couldn’t see the right side of the thyroid so it may be obscured by or part of the mass. The doctor did an ultrasound of his abdomen and neck area and needle aspirate (via ultrasound) and cytology of the cervical mass and abdominal lymph node. The abdominal ultrasound noted some thickness in the intestinal tract and a mild increase in lymph nodes around the abdominal tract. The doctor did an aspirate from that lymph node also, but she doesn’t think it is related to what else is going on but is checking just in case there is a metastasis. His organs looked good with just mild age-related kidney changes. His lungs looked clear on X-ray. He hasn’t lost any weight, and his blood work is good. He does have hyperthyroidism, but it is well-controlled with medication and his levels are normal.
We need more information. We know none of the news is good, but we need to know what we are doing battle with. We have always known that a reoccurrence was a possibility, so I guess in some way we are prepared but we were hoping that it was gone forever. Gone forever was not what the statistics said but we were hopeful because we wanted it to be gone forever. And when you love someone, you are always hopeful. When we get the cytology results on 1-2 days we will know more. The doctor has scheduled him for a CT and biopsy next Wednesday. We are really nervous because the doctor mentioned everything that can go wrong – hemorrhages and thyroid storms and the usual risks of anesthesia — and Castiel is a big cat, chonky for a tripod. He is 13.6 years old. That said he is a strong, happy, silly cat who likes to lie with his belly in the air, play in boxes, tackle catnip toys, follow the sun throughout the house, and snuggle with his fluffy sister Clover. He sleeps on our bed ever night. We can’t bear the thought of him sick again.

Castiel we’ve missed you! I’m sorry for the bad news you got this week.
More information will absolutely help you move forward with a confidence-building plan though. I know you’re all worried, I would be too! But now, remember that things are still overall the same with your amazing, beautiful, sweet Castiel. He’s the same kitty, so try to focus on all the good things that are still going on with him. And feel free to vent with us anytime, we are here to lean on.
Keep us posted.
Thank you Jerry. We are so scared. We just got the results of the first set of tests and it indicates we are dealing with thyroid carcinoma. We will learn more next week after he has the CT and biopsy. We are hoping it can be treated. Of the three bad things it could be, this is the best one. Castiel has no obvious symptoms aside from the bump and remains his usual lovey-dovey self. He just woke us up by stomping on us and purring loudly so we would get breakfast for him. We have our fingers & toes crossed and are employing every form of luck and welcoming all prayers. Thank you so much for reaching out.